It’s OK to Bring Your Own Armstrong Cheese: Said No One, Ever.
Earlier this year, Saputo rolled out a new brand platform for its Armstrong Cheese brand: It’s OK to Bring Your Own Armstrong Cheese. And listen, while the core idea doesn’t exactly blow my mind (more on that later), I’ve got to hand it to them—the execution is as sharp as a perfectly aged cheddar.
I mean, I’m a bit of a cheese connoisseur myself, and at no point am I bringing my own block of cheese to a BBQ. But seriously, this campaign is the polar opposite of the Frosted Flakes fiasco I wrote about earlier. It’s polished, strategic and firing on all cylinders.
The Breakdown
This isn’t just a couple of ads slapped together and called a day. Nope. This is a fully integrated, multi-channel campaign where every department in the marketing team was clearly marching toward the same goal. Here’s what they’ve cooked up:
Creative: The creative is slick, polished and consistent with the brand. From social posts to the website to branded giveaways (hello, SMEG fridge) and even the mobile sampling truck, everything is cohesive. Sure, the cheddar-inspired colouring is a bit on the nose—but hey, it’s a cheese brand. It works.
Ad Spots: Slick, professional commercials inject a little humour and bring the campaign to life. They lean into the absurdity of the tagline, playing up the awkwardness of bringing your own cheese, which makes it more relatable.
Influencer Engagement: Armstrong partnered with foodie influencers to create and share easy-to-make cheesy recipes (as in made with actual cheese—not that the recipes are tacky!).
Experiential Marketing: A branded cheese truck touring urban events, handing out free samples and spreading smiles—because, really, who doesn’t love free cheese?
Downloadable Coupons: If there’s one thing everyone loves almost as much as free cheese, it’s discounted cheese.
Contests & Giveaways: A branded SMEG fridge in burnt orange Pantone? Yes, please. Imagine how much cheese you could cram into that beauty. Bonus: it’s sure to complement any decor.
Honestly, this campaign ticks all the boxes. They’re driving engagement, building buzz and actually getting people to do something—which is more than I can say for a lot of campaigns. Not to beat a dead cartoon tiger, but Frosted Flakes, take notes.
OK, But Why Bring Your Own Cheese?
Here’s where I scratch my head. The whole “It’s OK to Bring Your Own Cheese” tagline? Meh. It feels totally unrealistic and oddly specific—like someone on the team had a traumatic no-cheese-at-the-BBQ moment and turned it into a national campaign.
But here’s the thing: I wouldn’t be surprised if this idea is rooted in data. The rest of the campaign is so well thought out that I’m willing to bet Armstrong has research showing Canadians are tired of the sad, plasticky cheese slices they’re served at BBQs and parties. If that’s the case, Armstrong, you’re the hero we didn’t know we needed.
And credit where credit is due: the ad spots themselves poke fun at the tagline’s absurdity in a fun, relatable way. It’s self-aware, and that helps it land.
They Know Their Audience
This campaign isn’t just throwing cheese at the wall (or your baby's face) to see what sticks. It’s targeting specific demographics: women 35+ with kids at home and adults 25-35 who apparently eat cheese like it’s going out of style. Armstrong says these are people who over-index on cheese consumption and don’t mind paying more for premium options. Armstrong clearly knows who they’re talking to, and it shows.
Outputs, Outcomes & Metrics Galore
Let’s talk about results. Ads are easy outputs—you pay, they run, end of story. But let’s be honest: if all Armstrong did was run these ads, I’d be levelling the same criticism I threw at a certain cereal brand. What makes this campaign shine is that Armstrong didn’t stop there. They developed a strategy that blends both outputs and outcomes—an approach that has almost certainly driven increased sales.
They’re likely tracking everything: impressions, reach, ad recall, brand lift, coupon redemptions, digital and social engagement rates, sampling figures, contest participation—and yes, probably even how many people wrestled over the last cheese cube at the branded truck. And, of course, they’re undoubtedly measuring it all against sales figures, ensuring the campaign delivers real, measurable impact with precision.
Verdict: Landing (New to the blog? My tomatometer is explained here.)
This campaign is a solid landing—like your first time flying business class on an overseas trip. You’re leaving no stone unturned because, let’s face it, you’re getting your money’s worth. You show up early to hit the lounge. You sip the champagne, savour the hot towel and order every food and beverage offering on the menu. You wear the compression socks, take home the amenity kit and do it all with the quiet satisfaction that you’re doing better than the folks in economy stuck with pretzels.
Sure, the tagline isn’t my favourite, but the strategy, execution and integration more than make up for it. It’s smart, well-rounded and delivers on every level. The team behind it should be proud—they’re sitting comfortably in first class while too many other campaigns are floundering somewhere between economy and premium. See for yourself, you can check out the campaign site here.
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